Craig Cross
Safer Communities Officer
Nuisance and ASB is any behaviour that causes or is likely to cause fear, alarm and distress.
Most neighbours live happily and be respectful to others. However, disputes can happen. If you’re experiencing ASB or harassment, make sure to report it. If you don’t then we can’t do anything to help.
Safer Communities Officer
Safer Communities Officer
With iWitness we’re determined to tackle anti-social behaviour so you can live peacefully in your home.
A specially trained, independent and accredited team of iWitness officers respond to your reports of disturbances immediately and provide accurate and credible witness statements. They’re available out of hours and they respond to reports and incidents of antisocial behaviour that are happening or ongoing at the time of your call.
If you spot anti-social behaviour, contact us by calling 0808 164 0111.
In an emergency, always call the police on 999.
Less serious incidents should be reported to the police on the 101 number.
Affected by noise?
Download the free Noise App to your smartphone, register your details, and then you can send recordings via the App to Byker Community Trust. The App will allow you to record additional information such as: the location of the noise; your location; type of noise nuisance; and how it is affecting you. You do not need an internet connection at the time of making recordings.
You can be kept informed on progress by way of notifications through the App.
Evidence provided via the Noise App has been used successfully by service providers in taking legal action and seizing equipment such as stereo systems that have caused nuisance and annoyance to others.
We do not tolerate domestic abuse and no one should live in fear of it. That’s why we help and support any person experiencing it or feeling threatened.
Priority is always given to the safety of people suffering from domestic abuse. We provide victims with a quick and sensitive response and deal swiftly and effectively with perpetrators.
As a landlord, we’re aware of the pressure and impact domestic abuse can put on a family home, so we’re happy to use the courts to evict the abusers from our properties.
Visit our domestic abuse page for more information.